Hey there!
My name's JT and I run for non-profits. For fundraising inquiries, please contact me at jt@jtewey.run.
Donate Blood With Me
Previous Fundraisers:
- The Trevor Project
- Girls on The Run
2024 Races:
The Spring Dash 4/27 Half -
Priest Lake Triathlon 8/24 -
Mt. Spokane Trail Run - Rest in Peace Mikayla Bragg March for the Fallen
2023 Races (Girls on The Run fundraiser):
Shamrock Shuffle 5/12 -
Rapid Rabbit Run 5 Mile 3/17 -
The Duxbury Half Mararthon 4/1 -
The Split Half Marathon 4/16 -
Half PR -
The Spring Dash 4/29 -
1st Marathon -
The Winderemere Marathon 5/21 -
Rest in Peace Andrew Walker
The CDA Half Marathon 5/28
Personal 2023 Races:
Personal Obligation Cancellation
Mt Rainier Half Marathon 7/15 -
Priest Lake Triathlon 8/26 -
Colbert Half Marathon 9/30